The National Archives of Ireland
1841 / 1851 Census Search Forms

Search results: Displaying results 1 - 7 of 7

Year of Census ExtractSurname of ApplicantChristian name of ApplicantApplicant's present addressSurname of FatherChristian name of FatherMaiden Surname of MotherChristian name of MotherResidence Location - CountyResidence Location - BaronyResidence Location - ParishResidence Location - TownlandResidence Location - City
1851JoyceMichael HenryMr M Joyce, 21 Harper Street, Waterloo, Blyth, NorthumberlandJoycePatrick-EllenGalwayBallynahinchMoyrusRoundstoneRoundstone
1851Burke------GalwayBallynahinchMoyrusBallynahinch, Roundstone-
1851MallyEllenThe Secretary, Ministry Of Health, Whitehall S W 1MallyPatrickTooleAnneGalwayBallynahinchMoyrusRoundstone Town-
1851BurkeEllenMrs Michael Joyce, Letterfrack, Co GalwayBurkeMichaelDoyleBridgetGalwayBallynahinchMoyrusBallynahinch, Roundstone Town, Roundstone Tnld-